
Bib, Burp Cloths, Tab/Tag Blankets & Blankets

Personalized Baby gift items if you know the child/babies name/Initial. If you don't know the name or they aren't giving it out, you can consider the families last initial? I like to buy what fabric is on sale and make do. Reminant section is my best friend cause the burp cloths for instance don't take more than 11x12in blocks for back ground of initials.

What you need for this DIY craft:
guaze type burp cloths ( i used Gerber daipers )
2 contrasting fabrics
print a monogram letter or animal if you want?
sewing machine with tread :)

1. I folded my diapers in half and sewed them long ways. (think "hot dog", not "hamburger") I just let the raw edges be the edge, nothing fancy.
2. cut one fabric for back ground, the desired width and height. I did 11x12in.
3. trace and cut applique letter in contrasting fabric. Pin it to secure. Sew it on the background fabric.
4. sew piece onto bottom edge of diaper and DONE!

All "a" monogramming.

Here is a towel bib with magnetic closure (wouldn't do again, closure was hard for me, having no sewing training), some of my Burp Cloths with Initials, Tab/Tag Blankets (babies love these small, easy to carry 'blankets' and suck on and play with the ribbons), and Blankets. Same idea with the initial/applique for bib and blanket. Sew right sides together leaving a hole big enough to reach in to turn right side out. Turn right side out and whip stitch it closed or sew it closed.

These two were made for twin girls with "M" and "S" initials. I used the same fabrics but switched how I used them. On the tab blankie. I like sewing the fabrics together with the raw edge out so when it's washed its a soft edge and extra texture for baby to play with. Babies love textures so choose ribbons that have different feels. I also use a silkie fabric or fleece opposite the cotton fabrics for the same reason.

The Blanket in this set is backed with Fleece.

All items are designed for the "raw edges" of the material to fray a little when washed. Burp cloths get softer when washed (gauze gerber diapers, sewn in half-long ways). Babies LOVE these burp clothes and use them a bit as blankies for the car as they get older.

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I decided to name my crafts "Mulholland Drive" after the street I lived on as a young girl. My memories of those days are simple and fun and full of imagination. This inspired me as it was the first memories I have. Hopefully you will appreciate the simple, fun and imaginative Gifts and Crafts I make inspired by those times. No matter what, I love what I do and hope you do to.
I had a very active imagination being 5th of 11 children. We were encouraged to be independant and creative and with so many kids, there were plenty of opporunities to sneek off to day dream! ;) I love to make and create and can't seem to stop myself from doing it! Full-time, I am a successful Hairstylist, Wife and new Mommy but apparently I'm not busy enough because I love to find things I love and improve on them, putting my own stamp on it. This blog is a place to display all I do so hopefully you will enjoy it also. I am constantly creating so check back often. I love to hear what you have to say about what I do so leave a comment or two... :)